One of the most important parts of Taekwondo is Respect

Hello everyone! Summer is quickly coming to an end and we are getting ready to welcome many new students to Taekwondo Changs Taekwondo. One of the most important parts of Taekwondo is Respect. When we talk about respect one often over looked aspect is LISTENING. Many of us especially as we get older tend to hear but not listen. It may seem like they are the same but listening or more accurately called “Active Listening”  is the process of focusing or concentrating a the speaker and what they are saying. This has many benefits at home, school and Taekwondo such as it may provide us with a better understanding of directions, allow is to better help or assist others, or even help us learn and adapt skills much quicker. Next time you are training in class, at school, work or home make an effort to be an active listener and see how it can help you! Changs Art of Taekwondo Martial Arts

Daisy Jeys

Mindfulness/Yoga Teacher incorporating culinary nutrition, Ayurveda, and herbal remedies in a way that supports your journey through chronic, unresolved stress and create a lighter, more grounded, healthier way of living.

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